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What are the health benefits of bone broth?Updated 3 years ago

Bone broth may feel like a new trend, but it’s actually a return to a more traditional diet and the practice of consuming all parts of an animal. Throughout history, cooks have found laborious ways to extract every last nutrient from food sources such as slowly simmering meaty bones in a kettle of water for days to produce a delicious soup stock. A la bone broth! [1]

Science has revealed that some of the nutrients in bone broth (gelatin, collagen, and the amino acids they contain) are difficult to find in many other food sources. For example, the amino acid glycine is most abundant in gelatin. The next best thing you can eat to get just ½ the amount of glycine is pork rinds. [2] Now, even if you find deep fried salty pigskin to be tasty, it isn’t the healthiest of snacks. On the other hand, bone broth does offer major health benefits.

Bone broth has been shown to help with:

  • promoting gut health

  • promoting a stronger immune system

  • supporting digestive health

  • supporting joint health

  • helping reduce inflammation in the body

Broth broth gives thanks to the benefits supported by the levels of proteins (like collagen) and amino acids present in bones and bone marrow. When cooked for long periods of time (like Kettle & Fire does), nutrients like glutamine, glycine, glucosamine, collagen, and calcium soak into the broth. The end result is a wholesome, nutritious drink unlike any other.

By making bone broth a staple in your diet, you serve to provide your body with the building blocks it needs to thrive.

If you would like more information, Chris Kresser, a globally recognized leader in the field of ancestral health, Paleo nutrition, functional and integrative medicine and founder of the Kresser Institute has a comprehensive guide to the bountiful benefits of bone broth.

Our blog also has loads of information, here's one of our favorites: 5 Bone Broth Benefits.

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