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How much potassium is in your products and what is it good for?Updated 2 years ago

Here are the potassium levels in our Chicken & Beef Bone Broths:

  • Our Chicken Bone Broth contains 255 mg of potassium per serving.

  • Our Beef Bone Broth contains 110 mg of potassium per serving.

For all our other products, you can find the potassium amount on each product page. In the photos, we show the Nutritional Facts label or scroll down until you see our Nutritional Facts label with the full Ingredients list.

Potassium (K) is an important mineral in the body. It is an electrolyte that helps to regulate the amount of fluid in the body as well as maintain nerve and muscle function. Potassium is an important consideration in blood pressure regulation and kidney function. Potassium also helps the body to absorb calcium, so it plays a role in preventing osteoporosis

Potassium, like most minerals, needs to be balanced in the body with another mineral. In the case of potassium, this other mineral is sodium (Na). Many people are concerned about high blood pressure (hypertension) and limit sodium intake in order to control their blood pressure.

Studies are finding that the sodium-to-potassium ratio is an important factor in managing blood pressure. Working to eat twice as much potassium as sodium may be more effective than just reducing sodium alone. (1)

The World Health Organization recommends maintaining a sodium to potassium level of 1:2 to prevent the normal rise in blood pressure that comes with age. (2)

So, when thinking about the amount of potassium in our bone broths and soups, it’s a great idea to also consider the amount of sodium.

If you have a condition that affects your kidney function, you may have problems filtering potassium and should consult with your healthcare provider about the recommended daily potassium intake for your condition.

About the Author: Carrie Bonfitto is a board-certified holistic nutritionist, wellness educator and culinary instructor in the Los Angeles area. Through her private practice, Two Hearts Nutrition, she turns up the heat on healthy eating, transforming it into delicious and practical food therapy. Having spent years getting bounced from doctor to doctor before taking her health into her own hands, Carrie is dedicated to helping those who suffer from chronic conditions regain their vitality.

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